By submitting this form, I am aware and agree that Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, IČ: 61989592, Křížkovského 511/8, 771 47 Olomouc (Palacký University Olomouc) can have access to and make use of my personal data, namely: Name(s), Surname(s), Titles, Personal Identification Number, Date of Birth, E-Mail Address, Telephone Number, Permanent Address, and Photo, for the purposes of creating the UP Alumni Card and including me into the UP Alumni database, and with no time limitations.
By submitting this form, I attest that I am also fully aware and provide consent that my personal information listed above will be gathered and processed by UP employees.
Furthermore, by submitting this form, I attest that I am also fully aware and provide consent that my personal information listed above has been given voluntarily. If I decide not to provide the above-listed information, or any specific item of information listed above, I understand that it will not be possible for me to register in the UP Alumni database, nor receive a UP Alumni Card.
Furthermore, by submitting this form, I attest that I am also fully aware and provide consent that according to the provisions stated in Section § 12, of Law No. 101/2000, Czech Law Coll., on Personal Data Protection, and subsequent amendments, on the right to information on the processing of one’s personal and sensitive information (i.e. the right to access all information about one’s person) and according to the provisions stated in Section § 21, Paragraph 1, of Law No. 101/2000, Czech Law Coll. on Personal Data Protection, and subsequent amendments, I have the right to request the administrator or processor for an explanation, if I feel that the administrator or processor has used my personal information in a way which is inconsistent with the protection of my personal and private life, or in violation of the law, especially regarding misuse of my personal data. Furthermore, I hereby acknowledge that I have the right to request the administrator to correct the faulty state of the information, particularly by means of blocking access to, correcting, filling in, or deleting my personal data.
Furthermore, I hereby acknowledge by submitting this form that all rights and responsibilities in processing personal data are to be carried out according to the established legal statute of Law No. 101/2000, Czech Law Coll., on Personal Data Protection, and subsequent amendments, and related laws and subsequent amendments, unless a special law states otherwise.